Mapping a business’s impact on environmental, ethical and social areas.
We shape our analysis based on your needs and on different perspectives, from your business, your products and your stakeholders.
We use quantitative and qualitative analysis, investigations, life cycle analysis and other footprint calculations. The results generated from these analyses are put in relation to relevant environmental factors, such as the planetary boundaries, the UN Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), or the Kate Raworth’s Doughnut Economy model. To map out once work against a global agenda enables one to work with change successfully.

New insights create positive change.
Our goal is to create good and profitable business that is positive for the planet and to foster committed employees.
There is no reason to wait for all knowledge and all solutions to be available before the work of change can begin. Instead, an interaction between knowledge building and change can be done in a continuous process.
We provide new insights and a clear strategy to pave the way for new actions within the company. Specifically, together with our customer we build relevant knowledge, develop strategies and gradually assist in creating action plans for the company. These strategies aim to exploit the power that exists in issues of responsibility, transparency and sustainability.
We also work with developing strategies for sustainable urban development . Examples of such strategies include tools we have developed within C/O City and our contribution to starting the a new positive change in the restaurant industry through the Sustainable Restaurants network.

Increased knowledge - part of the solution.
Knowledge provides pride, committed employees and increased opportunities to achieve common goals. U&We offers basic environmental education, but also more specific educational programs on topics that include ecosystem services, climate neutrality, ethics and social responsibility through traditional or e-learning formats.

Where are we going?
U&We provides services and tools that can facilitate this. One of our major sellers is a climate calculation and powerful computing tool, Our Impacts. If you need follow-ups and evaluations in other sustainability areas, we have extensive experience in tailor-made solutions.
Follow-up can be tracked by various digital tools and reports. We also assist your follow-up work by writing sustainability reports, and reporting to CDP, the UN Global Compact and other global initiatives to make the most of your sustainability work.
Contact us to find the right solution for you.

Offsetting accelerates change
The real consequences and costs of climate change, such as floods, storms and droughts have enormous consequences paid for by individual communities, but the cost is rarely related those behind the emissions. Carbon offsetting provides a way for companies to set a price on their emissions and it plays an important role in accelerating the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions at the pace needed to comply with the Paris agreement.
What is carbon offsetting?
Carbon offsetting means that a certain amount of greenhouse gas emissions, usually measured in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e), are avoided by emission reduction measures outside of their own operations. This can be done by investing in emission allowances, projects for renewable energy production, energy efficiency, tree planting or forest conservation projects.
Our close cooperation with ZeroMission enables us to offer our customers high quality energy and forest projects certified by, among other things, Plan Vivo, Gold Standard and CDM. These projects contribute in many ways to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Read more at Zeromission.